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Switch your followers over to Bloglovin'

Hello! Just a quick little post here. It's pretty much well known now that google reader will be disappearing in around three weeks or so, and this means we are all going to lose our followers. So I'm asking if all you lovely followers can transfer your reader list over to Bloglovin', as I think most people use this too and it seems to be the replacement for google reader. Bloglovin' have been really nice and given us all an easy way to do this, and you can simply do it with this link:

If you just want to follow me directly - you can click the button in the right hand bar.

It's very sad to see google reader disappearing and its highly inconvenient as a blogger when you've spent so much time building up following list, but lets all adapt to the change and beat it by getting ahead of the game so nobody loses out. Except google, of course!

Please do transfer all your list over to bloglovin' so you can keep updated on all your lovely bloggers!

1 comment:

  1. It's a shame GFC is going because as you say we've all spent so long building up our readers only for that work to disappear! I don't have nearly as many followers on BL as on GFC :(
    Anyway, no point crying over it - I'm following you and I'll leave my link if you want to do the same :)

    Sarah Nunn // UK Style Blog
